Understanding Auto Part Selection

Is Your Car's Power Steering Pump Failing?

Many drivers fail to realize how dependent they are on their vehicle's power steering system until that power steering pump fails. It's much harder to turn the steering wheel in your car when your power steering goes out. Struggling to turn the wheel can lead to an accident, which is why it's important for every car owner to recognize the signs that their power steering pump needs attention. Here's a look at some of the early indications that your car's power steering pump is failing.

Groaning When You Turn The Wheel

If you turn the wheel of your car and hear your steering system groaning, that's often a sign that your power steering pump is starting to show signs of wear. This is an early indication that you may need to reach out to a local repair shop. If you ignore this groaning sound, which you'll typically hear any time you move the steering wheel, the problem will progress until the pump fails completely.

Low Power Steering Fluid

If you check the fluid level in your power steering pump and the fluid level is low, that's typically an indication that the system is leaking somewhere. A leak in your power steering system often means a failed seal on the pump itself. In those cases, you'll need to work with an auto repair technician to address the problem.

Squealing Or Whining Sounds

What starts as your power steering pump groaning will progress to squeals and whines as the problem persists. You may hear a squeal when you start the engine, which often is coming from the power steering pump. You may also notice that you start hearing whining noises any time you move the steering wheel. These are indications that your pump is suffering from progressive wear and facing imminent failure.

Stiff, Slow Steering

As your power steering pump fails, it can no longer assist your steering in the way that it should. As a result, you'll notice that your steering wheel becomes stiffer, harder to turn, and slower to respond. This will worsen as the pump fails completely, leaving you with a steering wheel that's exceedingly difficult to turn without the power steering support.

If you notice signs like these, reach out to a local auto repair technician as soon as possible. They can help you address the problem and replace your worn power steering pump before it fails completely. Keep these tips in mind when looking for replacement parts, such as Navistar steering pumps, for your car.